Tuesday, May 8, 2018

CFP Women Warriors and Popular Culture: Representations Across Time and Space (6/1/2018; NEPCA 10/19-20/2018)

Women Warriors and Popular Culture: Representations Across Time and Space

Panel Proposed for the Fantastic (Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction) Area
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching of the Medieval in Popular Culture

2018 Conference of the Northeast Popular Culture/American Culture Association (NEPCA)
Worcester State University, Worcester, Massachusetts
19-20 October 2018
Proposals due 1 June 2018

Women warriors have been important figures throughout history, but their reception and representation in popular culture is often overlooked. As a means of furthering discussion and debate on these indivuduals, the Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching of the Medieval in Popular Culture invites paper proposals that explore the histories, mythologies, cultural presentations and workings of women warriors across time and space. We welcome papers that delve into the popular cultural appropriation of notable women warriors, such as Boudicca, Joanna of Flanders Joan of Arc, or Grace O’Malley, as well as papers that address the place and signification of women warriors in the historical and mythic fiction of popular culture (TV, movies, comics, etc.), such as Snow White and the Huntsman, The Vikings, and Wonder Woman

Presentations will be limited to 15 or 20 minutes in length depending on final panel size.

Directions for Submission:

Please contact the organizers Michael A. Torregrossa and June-Ann Greeley at medievalinpopularculture@gmail.com, using “Women Warriors and Popular Culture” as your subject line, with any questions in advance of the 1 June 2018 deadline. 

Submissions for the panel will be made by the organizers to NEPCA. We need contact information, academic affiliation (if any), an academic biographical statement (between 50 and 200 words), a paper title (no more than 60 characters), and a paper abstract (no more than 250 words). Please send this to us at medievalinpopularculture@gmail.com, using “Women Warriors and Popular Culture” as your subject line.

Membership in NEPCA is required for participation and annual dues are included in conference registration fees. Further details are available at https://nepca.blog/membership-information/

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