Dearest members and friends,
Just a reminder that the CFP is open for our 2025 conference through March 10. As we get more conference info, it will be posted on our conference website:
If you have any suggestions for keynote speakers, please reply with your ideas!
The CFP is as follows:
We are excited to announce that RMMRA 2025 will be held at Utah State University!!!
The conference will be hosted by the research library and will feature a special exhibit including materials from both Utah State and University of Utah as a part of the conference! (See page 6 for more information)
Call for Proposals
The 57th annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association will take place in Logan, Utah, May 29-June 1, 2025, hosted by Utah State University in a hybrid format. Participation is welcome both in person and online for all events.
The RMMRA is seeking proposals on any topic relating to the period 400-1700 CE in a variety of formats that address some aspect of medieval and early modern studies. We encourage proposals that are both within and across traditional disciplines, including (but not limited to) history, art, literature, architecture, art history, religious studies, history of science, politics, languages, and digital humanities. We also encourage proposals that move across or outside of the traditional academy, including (but not limited to) archival work, K-12 teaching, popular history, and other venues.
We welcome papers on any medieval or early modern topic ca. 500-1700, including pedagogy, medievalisms, revisions and reimaginings, and other related works. We are particularly interested in promoting scholarship that crosses traditional boundaries of time and space, including comparative work, focus on the global medieval/early modern and precolonial cultures, and work that crosses disciplinary boundaries.
All are welcome to submit proposals until March 10, 2025.
Participants are encouraged to propose any of the following with a 100-200 word abstract:
- a paper to be read in a typical panel;
- a full panel of papers linked by theme or approach;
- a work-in-progress for detailed workshop feedback;
- a moderated discussion panel.
All participants are also welcome to volunteer as readers for works-in-progress seminars, which will involve pre-reading submitted papers and offering critical feedback during the conference.
Visit to submit a proposal.
Rocky Mountain Medieval & Renaissance Association
Kristin M.S. Bezio, President
Jessica Brown, Secretary
Samantha Dressel, Treasurer
Vincent Patarino, Membership Officer
Alani Hicks-Bartlet, Affiliations Officer & Associate Organization Rep.
Corinne Wieben, Communications Officer