The following represents the first set of medievalism-themed and pedagogical-themed sessions for this week's International Congress on Medieval Studies being held from Wednesday through Sunday at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. The complete schedule for the week can be accessed at
10:00 AM
Session 7 (Valley II, 204)
In Honor of Jane Chance (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: Tolkien at Kalamazoo
Organizer: Robin Anne Reid, Texas A&M Univ.–Commerce
Presider: Gergely Nagy, Szegedi Tudományegyetem
A roundtable discussion with Deanne Delmar Evans, Bemidji State Univ.; Edward L.
Risden, St. Norbert College (“Medieval Women, Its Impact on Medieval Studies and
Medievalism”); Kristine Larsen, Central Connecticut State Univ. (“Mythography and
Middle-earth”); Christopher Vaccaro, Univ. of Vermont (“A Hobbit Hole of One’s
Own: Identity, Gender, and Difference in Middle-earth Studies”); Verlyn Flieger,
Univ. of Maryland; and Joe Ricke, Taylor Univ.
Session 17 (Valley I, 107)
Staging History: The Shakespeare Experience
Sponsor: Shakespeare at Kalamazoo
Organizer: Kirilka Stavreva, Cornell College
Presider: Joseph F. Stephenson, Abilene Christian Univ.
The Welsh Paradox in Shakespeare’s Tudor Adaptation in 1 Henry IV
Jason R. Gildow, Independent Scholar
Shakespeare’s Elizabeth in 3 Henry VI and Richard III: Doting Mother?
Temptress? Witch? “Poor Painted Queen”? Dynasty Maker?
Nancy Hayes, St. Ambrose Univ.
Staging Shakespeare Staging the Middle Ages: Richard III, Richard III, and
Richard J. Ellman, Univ. of Notre Dame
Session 26 (Fetzer 2016)
The Medievalism of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Novels
Organizer: Carol R. Dover, Georgetown Univ.
Presider: Carol R. Dover
Harry Potter and The Pardoner’s Tale: Medieval Narrative Structure as a Tool
for Teaching Character Lessons to Adolescents
Stephanie M. Anderson, Univ. of Houston
The Deathly Hallows and the Dagda’s Staff
Phillip A. Bernhardt-House, Independent Scholar
Growing Up in the Mead Hall: Literary Roots of Hogwarts’ Great Hall
Hannah Oliver, American Univ.
Genre and the Heroes in Harry Potter
Ushna Vishnuvajjala, American Univ.
Session 30 (Schneider 1220)
Merlin: (Forms of) Discourse
Sponsor: Société Internationale des Amis de Merlin
Organizer: Anne Berthelot, Univ. of Connecticut
Presider: Florence Marsal, Univ. of Connecticut
PAPER 4 OF 4:Closeting Magic: A Look at BBC’s Merlin
Christina Francis, Bloomsburg Univ. of Pennsylvania
Session 36 (Schneider 2345)
Teaching Medieval Studies in the Increasingly Secular Classroom (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: TEAMS (The Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages)
Organizer: Benjamin Ambler, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan Univ., and Anita
Obermeier, Univ. of New Mexico
Presider: Timothy C. Graham, Univ. of New Mexico
A roundtable discussion with John R. Black, Moravian College; Thomas N. Hall,
Univ. of Notre Dame; Anne F. Harris, DePauw Univ.; Henry Ansgar Kelly, Univ. of
California–Los Angeles; and Jan Volek, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan Univ.
1:30 PM
Session 51 (Valley II, 201)
Medieval Studies in the Middle and Secondary School Curriculum (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: NEH Summer Seminar on the Isle of Man: Crossroads of Medieval
Cultures and Languages
Organizer: Clinton Atchley, Henderson State Univ.
Presider: Clinton Atchley
A roundtable discussion with Sheryl Craig, National Endowment for the Humanities
Seminar Participant; Alan Hickerson, Athens Academy; Kathryn E. Pokalo,
Conestoga High School; Laurel Wing Schooler, Madison Central High School;
Elizabeth Humphrey, Staples High School; and Earl D. Brogan, Finlandia Univ.
Session 64 (Valley I, 107)
Shakespeare’s Middle Ages
Sponsor: Shakespeare at Kalamazoo
Organizer: Kirilka Stavreva, Cornell College
Presider: Carole Levin, Univ. of Nebraska–Lincoln
Historical Retelling and the Rhetoric of Sovereignty in 2 and 3 Henry VI
Kavita Mudan, Univ. of Oxford
“Jesu, The Days That We Have Seen”: Justice Shallow as Historian in 2 Henry IV
Nora L. Corrigan, Mississippi Univ. for Women
“A woman clad in armor chaseth them”: Gloriana, La Pucelle, and the Myth of
the Monstrous Woman
Dianne Berg, Clark Univ.
Echoing Boethius in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Linda Shenk, Iowa State Univ.
Session 69 (Fetzer 1010)
Seducing the Students through Neo-medievalism (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: Medieval Electronic Multimedia Organization (MEMO)
Organizer: Lauryn S. Mayer, Washington and Jefferson College
Presider: Lauryn S. Mayer
A roundtable discussion with Pamela Clements, Siena College; Keith Russo, Western
Michigan Univ.; Robin Michelle Blanchard, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan
Univ.; Jason P. Pitruzzello, Univ. of Houston; and Carol L. Robinson, Kent State
Session 73 (Fetzer 2016)
Languages in Tolkien’s Legendarium
Sponsor: Tolkien at Kalamazoo
Organizer: Robin Anne Reid, Texas A&M Univ.–Commerce
Presider: Benjamin S. W. Barootes, McGill Univ.
The Pleasure and the Poetics of Translating Old Norse
Mary Faraci, Florida Atlantic Univ.
The Origins of the Name “Thrihyrne” in The Lord of the Rings in Relation to
the Icelandic Sagas
Tsukusu Jinn Itó, Shinshu Daigaku
Dunlendish and Sindarin: Tolkien’s Diptych of British-Welsh
Yoko Hemmi, Keio Univ.
Session 81 (Schneider 1325)
Brainstorming Early Drama: Cognitive Approaches
Sponsor: Comparative Drama
Organizer: Eve Salisbury, Western Michigan Univ.
Presider: Anthony Ellis, Western Michigan Univ.
PAPER 1 OF 3: Cognitive Theory, Medievalism, and Evangelical Dramaturgy
Jill Stevenson, Marymount Manhattan College
Session 87 (Bernhard 204)
Music Education and Pedagogy
Sponsor: Musicology at Kalamazoo
Organizer: Cathy Ann Elias, DePaul Univ.; Linda Page Cummins, Univ. of Alabama;
and Mary E. Wolinski, Western Kentucky Univ.
Presider: Linda Page Cummins
The Monochord in the Medieval Classroom
Kate McWilliams, Independent Scholar
The Monochord in the Modern Classroom
Russell E. Murray, Jr., Univ. of Delaware
Conceptualizing Medieval Repertoire in a Twenty-First-Century Classroom
Aleksandra Vojcic, Univ. of Michigan–Ann Arbor
3:30 PM
Session 98 (Valley II, 201)
Teaching Medieval Studies at a Regional Campus (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: Medieval Studies, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ.–Fort Wayne
Organizer: Damian Fleming, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ.–Fort Wayne
Presider: Damian Fleming
Sex and Cake (and Other Ways to Engage Students with Medieval Literature)
Annalisa Castaldo, Widener Univ.
“Fro Wo to Wele, and After Out of Ioye”: Engaging Multi-Level Students in the
Middle Ages
Diana Vecchio, Widener Univ.
From Border to Center: Taking Medieval Studies at a Regional Campus to the
National Stage
Matthew V. Desing, Univ. of Texas–El Paso
Teaching Medieval Literature
Mikee Delony, Abilene Christian Univ.
Teaching Medieval History at a Regional Institution
Suzanne LaVere, Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ.–Fort Wayne
Teaching Medieval Latin at the Regional University
Rebecca Stephenson, Univ. of Louisiana–Monroe
Session 100 (Valley II, 203)
Teaching Medieval Exegesis (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: Society for the Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages (SSBMA)
Organizer: Paul Hilliard, Univ. of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary
Presider: Devorah Schoenfeld, Loyola Univ. Chicago
A roundtable discussion with Karen M. Kletter, Methodist Univ.; Jane Beal,
Independent Scholar; and Frans van Liere, Calvin College.
Session 111 (Valley I, 107)
Hamlet: Pre-texts, Texts, and After-Texts
Sponsor: Shakespeare at Kalamazoo
Organizer: Kirilka Stavreva, Cornell College
Presider: Kirilka Stavreva
Q1 and the Icelandic Trickster
Ian Felce, Univ. of Cambridge
Leaving Denmark for Rome: Hamlet’s Early International Lives
Russ Leo, Princeton Univ.
“What warlike noise is this?” The Significance of Rumors of War in
Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Richard II
Jonathan Snyder, Abilene Christian Univ.
Reviving Ophelia: Margaret Clarke’s and Jean Bett’s Feminist Inflections
Anna Riehl Bertolet, Auburn Univ.
Session 116 (Fetzer 1010)
Fantastic Histories
Sponsor: Medieval Electronic Multimedia Organization (MEMO)
Organizer: Lauryn S. Mayer, Washington and Jefferson College
Presider: Lauryn S. Mayer
The Science of Digital Magic: Curing the Plague in Baldur’s Gate and
Neverwinter Nights
Matthew M. Feehley, Youngstown State Univ.
The Mechano-Medieval versus Industrial Apocalypse in World of Warcraft
N. M. Heckel, American Military Univ.
Templars and Transnational Corporations: Dreaming the Third Crusade in
Assassin’s Creed
Harry J. Brown, Depauw Univ.
Revisiting th Great World of Warcraft Kerfuffle of 2006: Space Goats,
Outlandish History, and Narrative Authority in Contemporary Neomedievalist
Kevin A. Moberly, Old Dominion Univ., and Brent A. Moberly, Indiana Univ.–
Gentlemen of the Road: Fantastic History in Progress
Pamela Clements, Siena College
Session 120 (Fetzer 2016)
Romantic Nationalism in Tolkien’s Legendarium
Sponsor: Tolkien at Kalamazoo
Organizer: Robin Anne Reid, Texas A&M Univ.–Commerce
Presider: Douglas Anderson, Independent Scholar
Herder, Hiawatha, Húrin, and Hobbits: Teaching Tolkien as a Romantic
John William Houghton, Hill School
Kipling, Tolkien, and Romantic Anglo-Saxonism
Dimitra Fimi, Univ. of Wales Institute, Cardiff
Macpherson and Tolkien: A Tale of Two Legendariums
John D. Rateliff, Independent Scholar
Rhetoric of the Rings: J.R R. Tolkien’s Allegories of Reading
Craig Franson, La Salle Univ.
Session 127 (Schneider 1280)
Modern Translations and Re-translations of Medieval Literature
Sponsor: International Courtly Literature Society, North American Branch
Organizer: Maureen Boulton, Univ. of Notre Dame
Presider: Maureen Boulton
“Gay Knights” and Cross-Dressers: The Untranslated Episodes in Ulrich von
Liechtenstein’s Frauendienst
James L. Frankki, Sam Houston State Univ.
Meditative Reframing: Chardri’s Vie des Sept Dormanz and Twain’s Innocents
Abbey C. von Gohren, Univ. of Minnesota–Twin Cities/Univ. de Paris IV–
Translating the Duel: Honor to the Victor!
Raymond J. Cormier, Longwood Univ.
Session 136 (Bernhard 210)
The Crusades in Film
Sponsor: Medieval Association of the Midwest (MAM)
Organizer: Nickolas Haydock, Univ. de Puerto Rico–Mayagüez
Presider: Nickolas Haydock
He Wears the Mask that Grins and Lies: Baldwin IV in Ridley Scott’s Kingdom
of Heaven
Angel Matos Caro, Univ. de Puerto Rico–Mayagüez
Changing Rooms: The Glam, Sack Cloth, and Iron Clothing of Fashionable
Film Medievalism
Yalitza Y. Santos, Univ. de Puerto Rico–Mayagüez
Soldier of God: The Crisis of Faith
Stephania Uwakweh, Univ. de Puerto Rico–Mayagüez
Christianity, Templars, and the Crusades in Assassin’s Creed and Kingdom of
Wilmarie Cruz Franceschi, Univ. de Puerto Rico–Mayagüez
Session 139 (Bernhard 213)
The Re-invention of Medieval Texts
Sponsor: Italians and Italianists at Kalamazoo
Organizer: Jelena Todorovic, Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison
Presider: Jelena Todorovic
Restorations and Distinctiones in Monte Andrea’s Rime
Beatrice Arduini, Tulane Univ.
Bidart Reads Dante: Contemporary Reception of the Vita nuova
Lisa Ampleman, Univ. of Cincinnati
Re-inventing and Re-mediating Dante: From the Commedia to Video Games
and Back
Marina Della Putta Johnston, Univ. of Pennsylvania
7:30 PM
Film Screening (Fetzer 1005): The Mighty (1998)
Session 142 (Valley II, 200)
A Tale of Two Edwards: A Roundtable Commemorating the Publication of the Yale
Biographies of Edward II and Edward III
Sponsor: Society of the White Hart
Organizer: Mark Arvanigian, California State Univ.–Fresno
Presider: Mark Arvanigian
A roundtable discussion with Jeffrey Hamilton, Baylor Univ.; Seymour Phillips,
Univ. College Dublin; Michael Bennett, Univ. of Tasmania; Joel T. Rosenthal, Stony
Brook Univ.; and Ralph Griffiths, Swansea Univ.
Session 143 (Valley II, 207)
Women in the Academy: The Past, Present, and Future of Female Scholars in
Medieval Studies (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: Medieval Academy Graduate Student Committee
Organizer: Karrie Fuller, Univ. of Notre Dame
Presider: Karrie Fuller
A roundtable discussion with Bonnie Wheeler, Southern Methodist Univ.; Dyan
Elliott, Northwestern Univ.; Danielle Joyner, Univ. of Notre Dame; Barbara
Newman, Northwestern Univ.; and Ruth Mazo Karras, Univ. of Minnesota–Twin
Session 144 (Valley I, 105)
Readers’ Theater Performance of the Digby Conversion of Saint Paul (followed by a
Roundtable Discussion)
Sponsor: Chaucer Studio
Organizer: Warren Edminster, Murray State Univ.
Presider: Warren Edminster
A readers’ theater performance with Thomas J. Farrell, Stetson Univ.; Alan
Baragona, Virginia Military Institute; Gloria J. Betcher, Iowa State Univ.; D. Thomas
Hanks, Jr., Baylor Univ.; Susan Yager, Iowa State Univ.; Joe Ricke, Taylor Univ.;
Justin Brent, Presbyterian College; Carolyn Coulson-Grigsby, Shenandoah Univ.;
and Patricia H. Ward, College of Charleston.
Session 145 (Valley I, 107)
Reader’s Theater Performance of Paul Menzer’s Shakespeare on Ice
Sponsor: Shakespeare at Kalamazoo
Organizer: Kirilka Stavreva, Cornell College
Presider: Kirilka Stavreva
A reader’s theater performance of Shakespeare on Ice by Paul Menzer, Mary
Baldwin College.
Session 148 (Fetzer 1055)
Festive Video Game Workshop
Sponsor: Medieval Electronic Multimedia Organization (MEMO)
Organizer: Lauryn S. Mayer, Washington and Jefferson College
Presider: Lauryn S. Mayer
Neomedieval Linux: Open Source/Free Software Medievalist Video Games
Carol L. Robinson, Kent State Univ.–Trumbull
A Narrative of One’s Own: Finding a Spot for Player Heroes in Tolkien’s Lord
of the Rings
N. M. Heckel, American Military Univ.
What if the Middle Ages Never Ended? Or Ended Early? The Middle Ages
as a Springboard for Renaissance Imperialism and Religious War in Europa
Universalis III
Jason P. Pitruzzello, Univ. of Houston
Digital Magic
Matthew M. Feehley, Youngstown State Univ.
So That We May Experience Them: The Cultural and Educational Value of
Medieval Video Games
Robin Michelle Blanchard, Medieval Institute, Western Michigan Univ.
Assessing Student-Created Games
Lesley A. Coote, Univ. of Hull
Playing Around with the Neomedieval
Pamela Clements, Siena College
Session 150 (Fetzer 2020)
The Pearl-Poems: Manuscripts, Editions, Translations
Sponsor: Pearl-Poet Society
Organizer: Travis W. Johnson, Univ. of Iowa
Presider: Katherine Gubbels, Univ. of Iowa
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Lost and Found in Translation
Florence Newman, Towson Univ.
Editing the Pearl-Poems With High Quality Digital Manuscript Images
Murray McGillivray, Univ. of Calgary, and Kenna L. Olsen, Mount Royal Univ.
The Significance of “Oyster”: Transcription Anomaly, Critical Nexus, and the
Use of Digital Facsimile in the Study of Cotton Nero A.x.
Lisa Horton, Western Michigan Univ.
Session 158 (Schneider 1325)
The Rhetoric of Knighthood
Organizer: Stephanie Ebersohl, Univ. of Illinois–Springfield, and Elizabeth Thai,
Univ. of Illinois–Springfield
Presider: Julie Perino, Univ. of Illinois–Springfield
PAPER 3 OF 3: Knighthood Continued: The Endurance of the Chivalric in Early Stuart England
Geoffrey B. Elliot, Technical Career Institutes, New York City
Session 161 (Bernhard 105)
The Cid: National Hero of Spain
Sponsor: Texas Medieval Association (TEMA)
Organizer: Paul E. Larson, Baylor Univ.
Presider: Carlos Hawley Colon, North Dakota State Univ.
Chaucer and El Cid: The Petrus Alfonsi Connection
White d’Andra, Texas A&M Univ.–Commerce
The Cid, Franco, and Charleton Heston: Using a Medieval Hero to Fight the
Cold War
Paul E. Larson
La religiosidad: Tinte propagandista en el Poema de mio Cid
Jaime Leanos, Univ. of Nevada–Reno
Welcome to home page of the Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching of the Medieval in Popular Culture, a community of scholars and enthusiasts organized to promote and foster research and discussion of representations of the medieval in post-medieval popular culture and mass media. Encompassing material produced from the close of the Middle Ages to today, these medievalisms can be categorized as survivals, revivals, or re-creations of the medieval in post-medieval eras.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Kalamazoo 2011 Thursday Sessions
Posted by
Blog Editor, The Association for the Advancement of Scholarship and Teaching of the Medieval in Popular Culture
12:39 AM


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